Dr. Lauri Bower

Inspired by Thich Nhat Hanh, my journey into mindfulness has opened up many avenues and provided me with a teaching pathway that bring my work, social and spiritual life into harmony.

My experience of mindfulness began many years ago, being introduced to meditation and present-moment awareness exercises by an innovative and insightful Youth Theatre Director in Sheffield. Having now practised for more than half my life meditation is an essential touchstone to everything else that takes place. In 2014 I completed a Ph.D. in Mindfulness and Engaged Buddhism, the key teachings of Thich Nhat Hanh, available to buy directly from me.

I was taught sewing and knitting by Nannan as a youngster and have pursued many creative activities since then, including calligraphy, poetry, book- making, hand embroidery, printing and sewing. My creative practices have deepened considerably over the past few years as I acknowledge they are enhanced through practising mindfulness. I regularly post poems on my website, my creative work to Instagram, as well as selling through my Folksy online shop.

My teaching life began in a small Primary school in Leeds as well as leading and organising retreats since 1994. From 2013 I have taught mindfulness to adults, initially MBSR in York. My teaching work has since expanded to include days and retreats combining mindfulness with creativity.

My Ph.D. research led me to practise within Plum Village UK, Thich Nhat Hanh’s community in the UK, and forming, with others, a weekly Sangha in York. Since 2016 I have taught the community’s unique Be Calm Be Happy mindfulness course online as well as the one-day Mindful Writing Workshop Playing With Words.

Lauri inviting mindfulness bell before she begins to work

From time to time, and especially at the start of a session, I use a Mindfulness bell as reminder to be present, to be wakeful and attentive to what is arising in this present moment. Listening to the sound of the bell we can recognise, acknowledge and put aside any thoughts or emotions (particularly ones such as fear and anxiety) that could get in the way of us being present.
Listening to the sound of the bell we can bring mind and body to the same place (instead of the mind being somewhere else) and simply rest.
Listening to the sound of the bell we can put aside (even if it’s temporarily) forgetfulness and remember who we really are.


Let me give you my back story to THE Creative S P A C E.

In 2018 I attended a retreat in June, and the question to consider was, “what are you offering to the universe?” I spent the weekend reflecting on this question and knew in my heart I was no longer committed to teaching MBSR as I wanted to focus on Mindfulness and Creativity. I talked with my husband about this, and said I would prefer to work from home on Mindfulness and Creativity sessions (rather than having to lug copious amounts of materials to hired venues). Fortunately he agreed, and so the plan went into action!

As I had been on a retreat when the idea was born it seemed natural to me that the name of this venture reflected both Mindfulness and Creativity, which for me are intimately connected and come from a place of being open to universal forces and, as much as possible, putting aside thinking to let creativity flow of its own accord. Space is one name for this essence beyond ‘myself’ where ideas are born and take shape, looking for a being to bring them into manifestation. I resonate with Elizabeth Gilbert’s wonderful interpretation of creativity as “Big Magic” and “the relationship between a human being and the mysteries of inspiration” (2016).
What I wanted to offer was a simple space where people could come and play in a free, childlike way without any thoughts of whether it’s any good or not. These judgements on creativity can be very damning and put a stopper on the flow of creativity. If you want to be good at anything you have to practice, and this playfulness is my (and your) practice time, discovering how an idea wants to be expressed.
The name THE Creative S P A C E arose with very little effort (and a google search to check no one else was using it!) As the space is important to me I wanted to express this in the logo and so there is a space between each letter of S P A C E to indicate this.
Although I began with workshops at home this changed of course during lockdown and everything went online. Now, in 2022, my focus has changed to teaching mindfulness courses and workshops and selling my own work through my Folksy shop, craft fairs and Artists around Wetherby Open Studios.

I’ve yet to work out how to offer the more creative workshops online!



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