Finding our way home

Where does the essence of a person go,
when the body dies?
It finds its way home
nestled into the heart of those
who knew them,
who loved them.
It is not lost
though the elements of body
return to their natural forms.
The light of one person is
the light of all.
It cannot go out.
It finds a new home
nestled into the heart of those
who knew them,
who loved them.
Where the love is great the
light shines brightest.
how many hearts are illuminated
and warmed by one person’s light.
Take that as your comfort and
When the seeds of fear, grief and loss
threaten to overwhelm
how many hearts are illuminated
and warmed by one person’s light.
Take that as your comfort and

© 13 Jan 24


Misty morning
reflecting inner tired.
in this new environment
sleep did not visit me
as much as I would choose.
Shake off the desire
to slumber.
A new day has arisen
a new dawning of possibilities
and curiosity and wondering
what will emerge today?

The mist hangs dense and low
on this cold autumn morning
like the heavy breath
of some imagined deity.

Feeling it’s weight in my bones.
Shake off the heaviness
shake off the desire
for things to be different.

Welcome what is.

Today - the sun is already bright
on this new morning
casting long shadows
chasing away the wisps of mist.

Yesterday’s dullness has shifted
seen off my a brand new
twenty-four hours.

A new day has arisen
a new dawning of possibilities
and curiosity and wondering
what will today bring?

© 30 Sep/1 Oct 22

The Lilac Fragrance

Thought bubbles rising
announcing themselves as important
wanting to be noticed
worldly endeavours
full of action

Beneath the surface
a quiet space
wanting to be enjoyed
no requirements
full of rest

Thought bubbles keep rising
Space keeps calling.

Sun rises and sets
uninvolved with those tiny
thought bubbles
seemingly so important.

World keeps turning.

The lilac fragrance
calls to be noticed
to be enjoyed
not to be missed.

Occasionally, very occasionally,
thought bubbles need attending to.
Mostly, more importantly
resting in space is required
so as not to miss
the lilac fragrance.

© 6 May 22

The Quiet Rebellion

Standing still

when the impetus is to

rush into the future

on a never-ending chase of tomorrows.

Sitting in peace

when it seems the whole world

is running in fear and agitation.

Breathing slow

when the collective consciousness

is faster, faster, faster.

Looking at trees

when social media demands your attention

scroll, scroll, keep scrolling.


when every cell in your body

vibrates with energy.

Being peace

the ultimate act of quiet rebellion

against a too-fast, too-demanding

too-much society.

Be a quiet rebel.

(C) 29 May 22

It has to be me

The weather may not be balmy
yet there is a sense of
midsummer madness in the air
high pressure causing people
to behave in crazy ways
even killing, shooting
those who disagree with their opinion.

The only certainty is uncertainty
yet does this need to be agitated
by disturbances?
Is the only way forward
throwing all the balls into the air and
seeing where they will land?
Is it necessary to stir up trouble
in order to bring about change?
Is it frightening or exhilarating?
It depends upon your perspective.

Where is the voice of reason
in all this furore?
What do I know?
I know big decisions
should not be made in an agitative state.
I know calm is needed
within myself
to see the reasonable way forward.
I know love is necessary in all circumstances
and especially now
when there seems to be so much hate.
I know a wave of hate
will be met with a stronger wave
of love
that people can and will help
one another when push comes to shove.
And can we also show love without
the push and the shove?

Where is the voice of reason
in all this?
It has to be me.
It has to be me keeping calm
whatever winds of change are blowing
knowing it will pass and
things will settle.
It has to be me
not feeding the seeds of anger, of hate
within myself.
It has to be me
showing compassion towards those
who disagree with me.

It has to be me
saying no to the rising tide
of aversion and frustration.
It has to be me
saying I will not be overcome by despair.
It has to be me
saying yes to love, in all its forms.
It has to be me.

© 17 Jun 16

My true nature

Receptive to life
humming and buzzing around and within.
Aliveness in this moment.
Knowing Loving as my true nature.
Saying yes to this.
Living a fearless life
unconcerned by daily dramas and
haphazard happenings.
Saying yes to
energy-flooded joy
Emanating from the quiet stillness
of my true nature.
I am full, I am free
I am life.

© 7 Dec 21

Fellow Adventurer

fellow adventurer
I’m glad you’re here.

I value your presence.
I’m writing for you.
You, who can still be surprised
by a sunset, a snowdrop, a new leaf.
You who are delighted
by words of truth,
able to shed a tear or two
when you are moved.

I like that honesty about you.

You who step boldly on the path of life
unafraid by what people may think
authentic in your willingness
to be present for life,
always seeing the light
not only the darkness.

I encourage your unafraidness, as it
encourages mine.

I’m glad you’re here.

© 10 Feb 22

Cycle of Life

I’ve just been reminded of this poem, written about a dear friend’s husband who passed away four years ago.

With Thich Nhat Hanh’s passing so much in mind, and only a few days ago this poem seems very appropriate.

This cycle of life
essence of nature.
Why do we resist it?
Why are we fearful?
Celebrate instead
the energy created
from this individual.

Celebrate each drop,
each pulse of energy
drifting out in the universe
as floating embers
from a burning flame
touching hearts and minds
wherever they land.

How far do these pulses travel?
How wide does their influence reach?
This energy of love and peace
of vitality and curiosity
carried on the wind
as floating embers
from a giant burning flame.

© 24 Jan 18

Thay the Bodhisattva

Given the announcement of ThichNhat Hanh’s passing on Saturday 22.1.22 at 00.00 in Vietnam, I thought it was about time I shared this poem, which I wrote for him in 2014 after he had a stroke. My heart is full (and overflowing) with gratitude and love for his teachings and wisdom that so many people worldwide have benefitted from.

I see you depicted
with a thousand hands.

Here are your books
generously given
held in these hands.

Here is a flower
with a smile
at the centre
held in these hands.

A cup of tea
freshly squeezed
from a raincloud
held in these hands.

Next, a pebble
to teach the children
to meditate
held in these hands.

These hands
hold a match,
but where is the flame?

These hands
invite a bell
sending the universe resonating
with a song of love.

These hands
hold a candle
lighting the path of enlightenment
for those who dare.

These hands
embracing the baby seed of anger
soothing, comforting.

These hands
hold our hearts
nurturing each heartbeat with
a pulse of compassion.

These hands
are empty
free of all notions
all concepts.

These hands
hold other hands
hold infinite hands, interlacing
interbeing across the cosmos.

How many hands?
Infinite hands reaching
in the ten directions
touching every shimmering star
every leaf on every tree
every snowflake and raindrop
every sunbeam, every moonbeam
every heart
holding them all
letting them all go.

© 29 Nov 14

Tell me your truth

There’s time for more
so tell me more.
Tell me your truth
not your story, regurgitated
many times over,
tell me something fresh
something I know and have hidden
in the dusky recesses of my heart.

Tell me something
that when I hear
my heart will concur and
I will smile in delight
laugh with joyous recognition.
Tell me the secret that lies deep within
whisper the open secret
that brings my heart ease from knowing

Tell me your truth.

© 7 Dec 21

It matters not

It matters not
what you do or don’t do
what you achieve or become
all that matters is
your state of being
along the way.

Whether you are
gentle and kind to those
in need of compassion,
truthful to those
in need of honesty,
caring to those
with a heavy heart,
joyful in recognising
the miracles of life,
accepting what is and
not longing or searching for more.

It matters not
what we do or don’t do
but our state of being
along the way.

© 14 Mar 15

I am Nature

I am blown clean by the wind
washed by the rain
dried by the sun
I am made whole by consciousness
undulating through and around me.
I am tree-like
deeply rooted in Mother Earth
nourished by her.

My limbs are branches
free to flow with the breath of life.

I have the freedom of an autumn leaf
dancing in the wind.

I have the freedom of a single seed
making home where I land.

I have the beauty and scent of
a luscious rose.

I am nature.

I am free.

© 13 Oct 21

Forgetting and Remembering

Two partners in the same dance
in synchronicity.
Co-existing as darkness and light
each revealing the nature of the other.

As darkness illuminates the light
forgetting is the key back to
remembering, to knowing.

Forgetting is the foil
clarifying the light of

A synchronous dance of co-existence.

© 28 Nov 21

Thank you to the Sunrise

The sunrise called me out of bed.
It’s pinkness filled my window
drew me outside
where the morning thronged
with invisible birdsong.
The green grass and reddish brown earth
danced a complementary dance.
The distant hills moulded in mist.
The horses nodded genteelly.
The world was alive, yet silent
not quite woken up.
We wandered through woods and fields and lanes
silent and welcoming.
Glad to be awake and alive.
Thank you to the sunrise
for calling me out of bed.

© 28 May 21


A metaphor for my own life
a play of elements.

is letting them play
is feeling the need to curate and shape.
Reflecting on my own life
wishing each day to be
full of love and loving
full of happiness, peace and calm.
Going with the flow.
There is always weather,
it is just weather.

© 9 Sep 21

Where do I Begin and End?

I am a child of the earth

moon and stars

clothed in flesh and not

limited by it. 

I am made only of earth,

water, fire, air, space and


I am life only because of these elements

vibrating together in and around me.

I am a cosmic dance of elements

culminating in this splendid form.

Sister tree, brother flower

and I vibrate together

freeing ourselves from identities 

bound by name and form.

Where do I begin and end?

Sister rain, brother wind 

and I dance together 

freeing ourselves from limits

that separate.

Where do I begin and end?

© 3 Oct 21

Ease, Silence and Joy

The meaning of myself
is ease, silence and joy.
This triad dance together
rebuffing any desire
to work things out,
be in control or
find the answer.
There is no seeking,
no wanting,
no knowing,
only waiting,

Ease, silence and joy weave together,
gently untying the knots of the heart,
gently reminding the mind
doubt, fear and hate do not belong here
they are imposters.

The dance of ease, silence and joy
is weaving a spell to reveal
the miracles of life,
unfurling a magic carpet
on which delight, marvel and wonder
ride resplendent.

The dance of ease, silence and joy
is finding the answer
in the meaning of myself.

© 27 Oct 13

The Door and Windows of the Heart are Open

The doors and windows of the heart are open

for love to fly freely,

spiralling through a lazy Sunday afternoon sky and 

catching air currents to ride effortlessly through open space.

The doors and windows of the heart are open

for love to cartwheel on dew-laden grass and 

roll down hillocky and bumpy fields and 

land in a breathless, giggling heap at the bottom.

The doors and windows of the heart are open

for love to dance barefoot and carefree

into welcoming arms and a tender embrace.

The doors and windows of the heart are open

for love to tangle her hair and catch her clothes 

on a thrilling ride through dark and dense forests

full of knotty roots and clasping brambles and

emerge into the sunshine with a racing pulse and pumping blood.

The doors and windows of the heart are open

for love to touch your outstretched fingertips and 

know you are less than a skip away.

The doors and windows of the heart are open

for love to be herself,

to be heartful and compassionate,

to be truthful and trusting,

to be loving and to be loved.

The doors and windows of the heart are open

for love to meet you at the edge of daring and

to jump together into the unknown abyss

without caring if or where our feet will land.

© 24 Sep 13