I sent the birds to sing at your door

As I sit here with my sadness 

the birds have come to feed 

on the tree outside my door. 

Nature in her own sweet way says,

"There is more to life than sadness. 

Look out, look up

here is life in all its quiet joyfulness. 

Birds are birding 

Trees are treeing 

Leaves are leafing 

and some are letting go 

in a spectacular dance of autumn. 

Yet you sit here buried in your sadness 

overwhelmed by a grief 

you cannot explain. 

It is not yours, it arrived in your dna 

and you have the understanding 

to transform and let it go. 

I sent the birds to sing at your door 

to remind you joy is contained in sadness. 

Love and caring are part of sadness. 

I sent the birds to sing at your door 

to remind you how to heal. 

Birds are birding 

Trees are treeing 

Leaves are leafing 

And you, o human being, 

how are you being? 

How do you declare life in all 

its quiet joyfulness?"

© 27 Sep 24